Monday, January 31, 2011

33 Years

I turned 33 a week or so ago. I'm ok with it. I think 33 will be a good year for me. We rode the train down to Old Town San Diego for the Mormon Battalion celebration. That part was just ok, not as much fun as we hoped,but it was still great to be out on such a beautiful day and to spend it with family & friends. What WAS a lot of fun was riding the train. Of course Griffin couldn't get over it and has asked everyday since if we can go back and ride it. It was a pretty easy way to get down to SD and the beach scenery was beautiful. Then during naps I went and got a mani-pedi and later we celebrated with friends over dinner and bowling. It was a great birthday :)

This was the scene at one of the stops, which of course was
a huge bonus for all the kids:

Ben with all 5 kids

Griffin filled himself up on rock candy and soda
that his dad bought him. The sugar high was amazingly fun

It was cosmo-bowl or something like that and the fog machine was seriously out of control.
It was like the "Smoke Monster" from LOST joined us
Oh ya, and bowling 7 mths pregnant is not recommended. I used stomach muscles I haven't used in months and after 2 games was broken. Sad but true.

My gift from Emily & Chels
Isn't this a beautiful piece of art? bahahah....
It really was just a pain-in-the-butt way to get me a big gift certificate.
SOOO fun to haul this thing in to return it with Griffin in tow...
thanks ladies. I still love you anyway:)

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