Monday, January 17, 2011

Jan. 17

Yes, its been beautiful here most of January and we've been taking advantage of it. I have a love/hate relationship with the beach. I know I should just love it, and I DO when I'm there. A lot. But I really hate the clean-up when I get home and finding sand in every crevasse of my car and house. Anyway- I still do love it and LOVE that in January we can enjoy the beautiful outdoors. Take that cold wintery snowy places :)
This face is hilarious. And ohhh so dirty.

Ben helped the kids build a "hot-tub"
It was a huge success

Some of the worlds cutest kids

1 comment:

AmyF Hackworth said...

Hi Julia! I just saw the link to your blog on Molly's blog. Good job saving her.

I'm totally jealous of your beach days. I hope you're doing great! Love you!