Monday, October 12, 2009

11 Months

Our little baby is now 11 months old! I feel like in the last 2 weeks or so his personality has grown so much. He is quite the little ham these days.

He likes to yell a lot and talks gibberish like a crazy man
We can understand a few words like "mommy, daddy, hi and kitty!"

Poor Sophie
She is a pretty good sport considering she has a stalker

G with a mountain man...oh wait, thats Dad trying to grow a beard....?!

G loves to haul around the house with his walker
He is pretty good at it and we are waiting for him
to walk on his own

One night before his bath he was really hamming it up for Grandma

He's sooooo BIG! We love you little bubbies

1 comment:

Meli T said...

Griffin, you got so big so fast. It was just moments ago that you were a gangly legged little baby. So glad to see you're turning into such a ham. Your parents need to be kept on their toes.