Monday, November 30, 2009

this & that

I'm a bit behind...

At the beginning of the month we went to Disneyland as a family and had the best day together. It was a beautiful day and there were NO LINES on any of the rides!
It was a day I will always remember-
just us spending time together as a family.

Griffin had been on Pirates of the Caribbean a few times before, but for some reason this time he was scared and had to hug us the entire ride. Poor guy. It was too cute though and rare to get some snuggle time. Looks like I'll be taking him on that ride every time we go :)

He loved the swords and pirate paraphernalia in the gift shop
How is it that little boys already know they love weapons and know how to use them?!

Eating lunch

His favorite ride of the day was Nemo
He loved going down in the submarine
and looking out into the water

A few Saturdays ago Ben watched Griffin for part of the day.
When I came home I found him dressed in this little get-up straight from Mexico...

I thought it was too funny
Too bad Ben had to cut a slit in the back so his huge head could fit into the top!

Seriously? Could a mouth be any bigger?!

Griffin has also been busy this month pushing
things around the house.
It's his new hobby and he's pretty darn good at it

Like this new box of 200 diapers
Its got to weigh more than he does and he
pushed it around for hours

Put your back into it

He also loved pushing around this car seat box

After pushing this box around one night he decided to mix it up and get inside and go crazy
Who knew the best toy to keep him occupied would be a silly box?!


Elizabeth said...

he's such a cutie and I CANNOT believe he's walking already!! Hope you had a good thanksgiving!

Kelsey said...

So cute!! Makes me excited for my little guy!

Molly Bice-Jackson said...

You make me laugh, jules. Loved the whole post. "put your back into it."

Roney Family said...

So fun all the new things Griffin is doing. I love the adorable face of him! I see that you got a new car seat. How is it??? Loves him!

Margaret said...

I laughed out loud when I saw his "Mexico" outfit. How long has Ben been waiting to pull that out? You will be vacationing in Mexico your entire life, stop fighting it.
Griffins adorable and I love you.

camille said...

Oh how the memories of Kai when he was that age just came flooding back! Boys will be boys, let me tell ya! That is so cute and G is such a smart, strong, adorable little guy! He is awesome in every way...just like his cool parents! :) xoxo

Brooke Wilkins said...

That is soooooo cute. I love that he pushed that box around! Boys are cute! I want a boy! :) I miss having dland passes.