Monday, November 2, 2009

Let the Wild Rumpus Start!

The wild rumpus all started with
our ward Trunk-or-Treat a week or so ago.
It was the first of many occasions where little G would be wearing his Max costume. I knew I wanted to throw him a "Where the Wild Things Are" birthday party and that it would take place on Halloween, so it was only fitting that he would just have to be the King of the Wild Things (which, trust me, is not a stretch for this little guy).

G sitting in his favorite spot watching dad eat chili
(really in 85 degree weather?!)
How cute is that wiley little tail?

Check Spelling
I couldn't find a good Max costume so I bought a fleece suit and added the claws, whiskers, buttons, ears and the wolf tail. It turned out pretty well (minus the fleece was sweltering! Poor guy!)
Here he is showing off his ears and claws

Practicing some of his growls and roars!

A very serious little Max
He is all business handing out candy
from the trunk of our car with dad

Family photo before Max sailed home for the night...

My friend Emily and her little girl Brooklyn flew in from Idaho to spend part of the week with us
which was a lot of fun.
One night we went to a little pumpkin patch near our house.
We dressed in our Fall best pretending that it was crisp outside and that we don't live in the middle of the city

Griffin looking in the pumpkin for Brooklyn
Little does he know she is behind him

Of course G just wanted to eat all the bark and hay on the ground all night long!
I think we left with half of it in his diaper

Little Miss Brooklyn and Griffin

Family photo on the old tractor

Looks like G has some of my Idaho roots in him after all!
He was sooo excited to pretend to drive the tractor

Dad helping G feed the lambs

King of Pumpkin City


Margaret said...

So cute Jules. I was wanting to see pics of the actual birthday rumpus! Would you post some? love you.

Ben, Julia, Griffin & Sophie said...

Marg! I will be doing a post with party pics in the next day or so..
love you too. :)

Bailey said...

His costume is so cute! good job!